Saturday, May 14, 2011

God I Love Shopping...

...for house stuff that is. (Not so keen on shopping for clothes anymore.) The best part of remodeling your house is that you get to SHOP! And shopping with a purpose is super fun. So I have a few more items to add to the "done" list. One of them is.....drumroll.....toilets! Never thought I could get so worked up over a loo, but I am! I scored the awesomeest crapper on the planet at Costco the other day. Everything I wanted - dual flush, small and low profile, automatic closing seat for an amazing $79.00!! Hold on - I've got to catch my breath...

Other scores - an awesomely unique bathtub - vintage stylin' and super cool. I can't tell you much more than to say I got a drop-dead deal on this baby. Plus a mirror for my son's bathroom that should come with smelling salts as it may induce fainting. It's rock and roll and masculine and very cool. I got it at Home Goods and talked them down from $100 bucks (which was already a steal) to 50 bucks. Also at Home Goods a side table for his room. I won't say no more - you'll have to wait for the reveal to see these scores!

I'm also having a ball designing my teenage son's room. I won't give anything away except to say that the "theme" (and I use that term loosely since he's almost 15 and a "theme" room would be kind of juvenile), is London. He's a big time Anglophile and music lover, so I have some very cool ideas for this room. Which BTW - will be the new addition. Originally this room was slated for our 5 year old, but since Nick is a night owl and has been keeping us awake - AND - she likes to wander into our room at all hours, we decided that this arrangement makes more sense. She'll get her own room and bathroom when - sniff-sniff - my son departs. Hold on - I've got to catch my breath...

In other news the plans are finally finalized. I'll post a copy of them as soon as they clear through the city! And then....DEMOLITION!!!! Woot woot.

1 comment:

  1. In my eyes you always were, and always will be the Stly-e Queen! Can't wait to see how it all unfurls, when the dust settles. You are my icon of super cool,, now get busy!
