This will eventually become soon be a front entrance.
After a minor freak out over our dwindling staff, I've calmed down, wiped the plaster dust that was stuck to my tears, and realized that what will be - will be. And then they came. More troops were sent in to battle gaping holes, exposed wood, doors that won't install themselves, etc. (Insert angels singing here.)
And now? As of this moment I'm happy to report that we have what's known as the "scratch coat" on the front of our stucco house, we have interior walls that have 2 coats of "mud" and will be sanded tomorrow, a front door, a new bow window in our new office, and more! What we don't have is our custom vanity in the en suite bath or new office or kitchen. Floors. Lighting. And more!'s a process, right? Ya gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. (No idea of the relevance of that, btw.) Ya gotta yell at a contractor to get him to sit up and take notice of the fact that a family of four is LIVING in an RV and while that might seem like an "adventure" to some, at this point, it's kind of a living hell.